How To Lose Weight By Walking Up Stairs

Spending 15 minutes of your time taking stairs, going up and down, equals to 45 minutes of brisk walking in the park here is how you can burn more calories than you eat. How to lose weight by walking up stairs. The people who use the stairs are more likely to have better cardiovascular fitness, balance, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels researchers also found that it supports weight loss when walking up and down, muscles in the lower body and the heart work harder than on flat ground.

how to lose weight by walking up stairs

Can Walking Up & Down the Stairs Be a Total Body Workout ...

Can walking up & down the stairs be a total body workout

Can Walking Up a Flight of Stairs Multiple Times Make You ...

Walking stairs builds strength and endurance in your entire lower body -- your quads, calves, glutes and, to a lesser degree, hamstrings because your feet and legs carry your full body weight as you go up and down the stairs, this type of exercise also builds bone density in your lower body and lumbar spine -- and finally, navigating your way up and down the stairs helps develop your balance. Stair climbing proved to be an easy exercise to lose weight, it fitted in with my day, didn’t feel like exercise and i didn't feel at all self-conscious. i downloaded the stepjockey tracker app and by climbing up and down the 100 stairs to my fifth floor office three times a day, i was burning 481.8 calories a week!. Walking up stairs is a great form of exercise, especially when you do so at a brisk pace to get your heart rate up and your body working hard. over time, incorporating stair climbing into your workout routine with a healthy diet can help you lose weight..

more info how to lose weight by walking up stairs ---> click here


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