Extreme Weight Loss After Giving Birth

While the amount of weight you lose after giving birth may vary, the most important thing is that you return to a healthy weight range summary weight loss after pregnancy can take time, and you. Extreme weight loss after giving birth. Immediately after your baby is born, you will lose about 10 to 12 pounds that's a combination of your newborn's weight plus the placenta and the amniotic fluid then, during the next few days, you will lose about 5 more pounds of water weight after that, it's normal and healthy to lose approximately 2 pounds a month for the next six months.

extreme weight loss after giving birth

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After giving birth by kathy evans wisner because many of the symptoms seem so expected for a new mother: extreme fatigue, depression, memory impairment, weight loss or gain for some women, the symptoms gradually disappear but for others like me, the symptoms get worse. This kind of happened to me. i didn't gain any weight with my 21 month old and 6 weeks pp i was down 35 pounds. got pregnant 6 months pp and gained 3 pounds and then a month pp i was down 25 pounds. sometimes, pregnancy regulates your hormones which can be the cause of weight gain and problems loosing weight..

more info extreme weight loss after giving birth ---> click here


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